Monday 11 April 2011

Working Out and Gaining Weight Inside

Just a few months ago, I had reached a point in my life when even the belts were not enough to keep my pants from slipping. Surprisingly I had lost a lot of weight and felt very fit. Guess I have to owe everything to all the cricket that I used to play during that time. Coming to current form, I'm nearing the nervous nineties and frankly speaking, I have no intentions of scoring a century when it comes to weight. Guess all the good news in the recent times has accelerated my binging and indulgence in calorie rich food and drink.

The end result of all of this is that I'm running out of holes in my belts and have managed to just hold onto the last hole. So I finally made up my mind yesterday to do something about it. After two boring IPL matches on a Sunday and on a rare day when it was sunny and warm in Glasgow, I decided to go for a run with my two bodyguards. Yes yes, I was worried that I would either run out of breath or body fat to burn. There was a 99.9% probability that it would be the former one.

I was pleasantly surprised with my stamina as I ran without taking a break for way more distance than I expected. The great thing about this weather is that you really need to break your bones to break a sweat. While I was on my way back home, there were a couple of weird looking little kids just playing the fool as usual. One of them had a huge stick in his hand and it seemed like the Starwars ghost had got into him and he was totally unaware of his movements. As I tentatively neared him, he poked me with his long stick where it hurts the most. Well in all respects, my stick was no match to the real wooden counterpart and it really hurt!!!!!. Damn those kids!!

With the worse out of the way, I came back home only to be craving for more to eat. After munching on some yummy fried homemade stuff like ಕೊಡ್ಬಲೆ and ಚಕ್ಕಲಿ and some chicken donner late in the night after dinner, guess all the sweat and a possible 0.001gm of fat that I had burnt went in vain. These incidents have just made me realize that a physical activity like this is not only going to not help you in reducing weight but will you also help you a great deal in putting on some extra pounds. And unfortunately these are the pounds that accumulate around your waist and not in your wallet.

P.S - Any magic health tips deeply appreciated.

P.P.S - Forrest Gump was a bit overrated!!

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