Monday 21 March 2011

Why Soooooooooo Viral?

Share it on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter, Digg it, Stumble on Stumbleupon, do whatever you like but make sure you pass it on. If at all there is any rich media content that makes you do this repeatedly, then it has successfully managed to become viral. Most of the times, its the videos that make the cut and before you know it, everyone on your friend list is sharing it, all your secret crushes are going bonkers over the guy in the video, your lecturer has caught you in the class watching it and even your granny is watching it on the new smartphone you gifted her. 

Offlate, there have been numerous such videos. I found this video recently and thought I'll share it with all of you. The main intention of a viral video like this is to make you speculate the fact whether it is true or not. In the most of the cases, the video keeps going out of focus or the camera keeps shaking at all the right moments and the message or brand is secretly hidden in it. These campaigns totally rely on the number of hits to measure the success and their main intention is not to induce buying, but to create awareness of the brand and spread the word around. While your conscious brain is concentrating on the content of the video, your subconscious is concentrating on the brand or product being used. Don't believe me? Think about it. Which brand comes to your mind when you think of Roger Federer's trick shot where he knocks the can off a guy's head? I rest my case !!!

P.S - The video is actually part true. It's a viral marketing stunt to promote the movie "Limitless" which appears at the 1:30 mark on the big screen.

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