Tuesday 30 November 2010

Remember Remember the Month of November

November, a month to remember and a month which did a bit of emotional atyachar. The 1st day of the month was when I graduated. The gowns, the hoods and finally a comfortable suit made it a bright day even though it started raining later on. Bar hopping on that night with a special guest from out of town turned out better than expected. I finally needed something to soak up the booze and while I was busy hogging, some people just couldn't keep their Guinness down and the pavements were painted black. I'm a huge fan of beer, even carry a beer belly to support my claim. I had tried Guinness long back and its one of the worst beers I've ever had and it served lover boy right for downing it and actually pretending to like it.

It was time for some 'V for Vendetta' on the 5th. Coincidentally, it was Diwali back home on the same day. The fireworks were truly fabulous and it was nice to see the kids on the street trying to scare people with their rockets. Reminded me of the time when I used to light rockets in my hand and also when I had once managed to T-off a canoodling couple in the corner of a park with a rocket.

After a truly memorable and fun filled week, it had already turned 7th. This meant that I had to say goodbye yet again, only this time I knew that it would be a million times harder than the last time. No surprises at the airport this time, and definitely no filmy scenes. Just the one time I wished it was true and to come home to see a totally unexpected surprise. Naaaah. Life is too cruel and these things just wont happen. I came back home to see a letter on my lappy which proved to be just too much for me to handle. It was lunch time and thank you Big Mac, you beefed up the rest of my day :-)

I've probably met the most interesting and insanely inspiring people this November. While I started blogging for a blogzine, I also had too much time on my hand. Came up with so many new dishes using almost the same recipe and all of them turned out to be del.ic.ous. Might well start a new blog dedicated to my culinary skills.  

It was 'happy birthday' time once again and I wasn't happy about it, not because it wasn't mine but it was the birthday that I missed the most. I personally had felt very bad for not making it a special day last time and did a lot of things this time just to see a smile on that face. Yet again, no filmy scenes and no surprises for me but there were quite a few from my side.

Off late, I've started to attend a lot of interviews. In one of the interviews, I found myself chatting with lookalikes of Charles Darwin and Justin Timberlake. I've actually started enjoying it as there are too many dishes on the table to eat. I still remember the time  when I wasn't considered even for a cleaner's job and few months later I found myself juggling with 3 jobs (actually 4) and had to decline one of them. Ha ha , screw you fellas. Still things aren't as glamorous as they appear to be but I surely hadn't expected anything like this when I was writing Pilot .

As if the weather was not already bad, just to make it even worse, the sky has started emitting dandruff flakes. Snow in November is very rare and the DST actually seems like the clock has been turned ahead by one month. It is expected to go down to -20°C in some parts of the country this week BBC weather report. Just the time when one can literally experience the phrase "freezing your ass off". Facebook was bombarded with "I love snow" statuses a couple of days back and I'm sure all of them would like to take their statuses back after having to walk around in 10 inch snow.

Nevertheless, this month has been a hot cookie to handle inspite of this cold weather. My moustache has also started to become thick as mentioned in November and Movember and guess I'm shooing away all the female species. Not that I enticed any in the first place, but even the dogs seem to run away after seeing me. 

Have a great November. See you in December.

1 comment:

  1. luved it... :) superb... really good flow and liked d title too... :)
