Wednesday 15 September 2010


I was reading the story of Adam and Eve the other day and was wondering how naive we were to believe that story. In fact almost all the fables about the birth of religion or Gods have had lots of flaws in them. Well to start off, I believe that these are the common assumptions that we have about the almighty or the superpower.

  1. God is omnipresent and powerful than any being on the earth.
  2. We are mere puppets in the hands of the God and everything is controlled by him/her.
  3. God not only knows what is going to happen in the future but also makes us pay for our sins.
  4. People who do good things go to heaven and people who do bad things go to hell.

Coming back to the story of Adam and Eve, apparently God advised them to not eat the fruit from only one particular tree. And as the story goes, world's first ever dickhead and booby without brainy committed that mistake and then god punished them. That punishment is what we see today as earning our bread, emotional discharges and even childbirth.

Well if the god knows the future, then he would have surely known that Adam and Eve would have eaten the fruit and hence it dismisses the very motive of the story. Why couldn't he cut to the chase and pose a set of challenges for them in the beginning itself? The same conclusion can be reached if one looks at the fact that we are mere puppets in the God's hands. In that case, I wonder why people spend millions and millions on building a place of worship and praying. If praying would solve all the problems, then life on earth would have felt like lap dances even while writing exams. If praying doesn't solve all your problems, then why do it?

If God is present everywhere, it again dismisses the existence of a room exclusively built in the houses for worshiping which in many cases is bigger than the bathroom itself. This means that the almighty is spying on you even when you are taking a dump, or go to the restroom in the pretext of taking a dump or even when you are humping. Doesn't that creep you out? If God sure is invisible then I wonder who saw him first and painted him as a dude with blue skin with source of potential steak on either sides or a grumpy woman with weapons in six hands enough to decapitate or even circumcise a hundred men.

If I did something good today, does that fetch me clubcard points to go to heaven? Is a point deducted for bad thing that we do? In fact what is classified as good and bad? Taking your wife out to a romantic dinner in your new Hummer might be considered good, but isn't it bad for the environment when instead of using a fuel guzzler, you could have taken public transport? So where does one find the cut off level, like getting 15 in internals and a stamp 35 in the externals?

Well, it all looks like a series of deadlocks and ambiguities and we are only succumbing to the  fake stories dating back to thousands of years, told by our ancestors just to keep the mankind in check and ultimately to deceive the weaker class in order to lead a luxurious life. I mean lets face it, why does one need to donate money or carry out a ritual to reach out to the God. If we do not have access to these high end money fleecing places of worship, we have  back up plan depending on the class in the society.

The funny thing is, we always point towards the sky to show god. Assuming that people near the equator point somewhere above their heads to show the good old almighty's abode, shouldn't the people moving away from the equator point towards the horizon?

Let us assume that Adam and Eve had remained good and if that had happened, we would have not paid any rent and stayed in bungalows, got drunk, puked, got drunk again and still wouldn't have had a hangover, the dining table would have looked like a lavish buffet and still we would have stayed slim, people would have gone not just all night long but instead all week long without any Redbull or STD scare and programmers wouldn't have found any bugs in their code and would have reached home everyday before 5 in Bengaluru traffic. I can probably imagine all of these happening except the last one and I guess a lot of people would agree with me on it even those who have been fuming till now.

I'm neither a philosopher nor a hermit but I have lived long enough to see the power of sheer human willpower and strength and would not like to deface the achievements of man over these years with one word "God". I rest my case and hence as long as the traffic in Bengaluru doesn't come under control and as long as the weather in Glasgow is not wet or cold,  I can be sure that there is not God and hence Godz-illa.


  1. Super maga .. !! even though i believe in GOD .. i like u r post .. !! truly intuitive ... :)

  2. maga, i liked the caption "Godz-illa" :P turned out to be somethin i cudn't predict by readin the caption alone :P like raku said,its intuitive :)
    i share my thought with urs regarding "good and bad" philosophy..

  3. hmmm... really liked d title a lot n knew wat wud b cumin up ;)
    liked ur post too bt u knw i believe in God... few things i do agree wit what u hav said bt mayb v cud argue bout few others :)

  4. Superb...I loved it..Your thought did trigger my philosophy of life "Everything happens for good by GOD"! Keep 'em coming :)

  5. "As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on." Woody Allen...Nice One lo Picasi

  6. 3 bows to everyone :)
    @Raka - U wer on the top of my mind when I was writing this.

    @Bhalla..Nice to see you here maga

  7. Amazing post maga. As Raku said, even I am a theist but still I loved the post. This question is still haunting me and please tell your opinion here. "How did Earth begin? How true is the Big bang theory?".

    Eagerly waiting for your thoughts on this.

  8. Good writing. I ain't religious but i have faith, so gotta say this.

    Have you ever thought that GOD/Religion was only a way our ancestors devised to lead us to be more civilized than the people who came before them. Agreed it was blown outa proportions, commercialized & beaten to death only to be replaced my supreme marketing professionals called The-Clergy/Swami-ji's/"Fatwa Signing Imams" , but my point is when judging religion, don't judge it by your surroundings, try looking into its roots.

    Again, before you tag me as a devout, I must say again, I ain't religious but i have my faith.

  9. @Satya and Shetty.. Will surely write something about it in the near future. The recent incidents regarding religion and godmen have irritated me to the core.
